It’s easy to complain about politics, our political system, election process, quality of candidates, and/ or, representation, but, unless/ until, the emphasis and focus, becomes, defining and understanding what, public service, means and represents, and why we need to demand 5 necessary priorities, are constantly, addressed, etc! Surveys, and polls, inform us, Americans have less faith in their elected officials, today, than at any time in recent memory, and perceive, less integrity, or any attempt to prioritize serving and representing the needs, goals, priorities, perceptions, and best interests of constituents, and seem to emphasize their own personal/ political agenda, and/ or, self – interest. With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 5 essential priorities, which are needed, and we must demand.
1. Equal protection of all Constitutional guarantees, and rights: How often, do we observe, some politician, who tries to wrap – himself – up, in the Constitution, and American flag, apparently, to attract voters, and votes, only, to later, notice, his actions, don’t match his rhetoric? When, one supports, certain rights, and guarantees, selectively, it is not the American Way! Many realize, we often witness, either, intended, or, unintentional, systemic racism, as it relates to protecting, equally, many of the rights, especially, in terms of, justice, jobs, etc!
2. Public health and safety: When the President, articulates a message, calling for, Law and Order, it seems, to many, this is really, urging, an appeal, to his core supporters, and their fears, etc! We have noticed, during this horrific pandemic, the danger, when a leader, doesn’t seem to prioritize our public health and safety! Don’t be fooled, by Trump’s claims, he deserves an, A+, for his handing of this pandemic, because, an average performance, would have created an infection, and fatality rate, similar to the rest of the world. Unfortunately, although our population represents less than 5% of the world’s, we have experienced over 20% of the cases, and deaths!
3. Medical/ healthcare: Right or privilege: Is quality, medical treatment, and healthcare, a right, or a privilege? Presently, it seems clear, the health care, provided, to our wealthiest, is, significantly, different, from the treatment, provided, to less wealthy! Should access to, and being able to receive, quality, medical treatment, and healthcare, affordably, be a right, or, merely, a privilege, based on one’s socio – economic status?
4. Equal justice/ protection of law: Statistics indicate, minorities are rarely, provided, the same protection of law, and equal justice, as others! Shouldn’t we demand, an essential component of public service, be, ensuring, we honor, the premise, of, all men are created equal?
5. Spell – out one’s vision, strategic and action plan: Instead of empty promises, and rhetoric, we must demand, candidates, clearly, spell – out, their vision, and rationale/ reasoning! They must explain the essence of their strategic planning, and how, they might, perceive, conceive, and implement, the finest, possible, valuable, action plan!
We need our public officials, to provide, quality, positive, public service, and representation! They must emphasize these 5 necessary priorities, and always, put, the best interests of their constituents, ahead of any personal/ political agenda, and/ or, self – interest!